Trophy Truck 70
Year: 2016 Make: Herbst Smith Fabrication Engine: 454 SB Ford By:Patton Racing Engines Trans : Culhane Racing Transmissions Inc. Lighting: KCHilites Tires: BFGoodrich KR3 40 Wheels: Ultra Wheels Shocks: King…
Trophy Truck 70Class 1450 Ford Ranger
Driven by Kevin Thompson
Class 1450 Ford RangerTrophy Truck #1
Trophy Truck #1
Trophy Truck 07
Tires: BFGoodrich KR3 40 Wheels: Ultra Wheels
Trophy Truck 07Stock Car
Driven by Kevin Thompson
Stock CarCan Am / Pre-Runner
Can Am / Pre-Runner
Chase Support Vehicles
Support Truck and Box Trailer Support Truck #552 and Box #2
Chase Support Vehicles